Our Services
Now Offering Rentals and Sales on PEMF devices, Red Light Therapy, and HaloTherapy

PEMF for Animals
Offering MagnaWave PEMF
• Overall Wellness for Small and Large Animals
• Health and Wellbeing
• Show and Athletic Performance
• Joint and Muscle Pain Relief
• Assists in Injury Recovery
• More Energy

PEMF for Humans
Offering Aura Wellness PEMF
• Arthritis Relief
• Health & Wellbeing
• Joint & Muscle Pain Relief
• Athletic Performance
• Neck & Back Pain Alleviation

Red Light Therapy
Now offering LZR Ultrabright and ROC Red Light
• Dermatitis
• Weight Loss
• Acne
• Open Wounds
• Cancer
LZR Ultrabright is the most effective and cost-efficient device for administering light sessions! The LZR utilizes both red and near-infrared (white) light to encompass a wide range of wavelengths.
ROC Red Light- The light waves are focused on the affected area for a specific period of time and are sometimes administered at certain times of the day when light therapy is most effective.
MagnaWave PEMF is a companion modality, meaning we encourage you to live the healthiest life possible using as many ways that work for you and your clients. Adding LZR Ultrabright or ROC Red Light to MagnaWave can help with weight loss, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Acne, Cancer (per the American Cancer Society), open wounds, and other skin conditions.

Ion Cleanse
Ion cleanse, also known as an ionic foot detox or ionic foot bath, is a spa treatment that uses a small electrical current to generate negative and positive ions in a saltwater bath. The ions are said to attach to toxins and pollutants, and then are flushed out of the body through the feet. The treatment is said to have many benefits, including:
Detoxification- The ions are said to neutralize heavy metals and free radicals, and help the body eliminate harmful toxins.
Improved Circulation- The ions are said to improve lymph circulation and stimulate the body’s organs
Balanced pH- The ions are said to alkalize the blood and tissue, creating a correct pH balance.
Strengthened Immune System- The ions are said to help the body balance and create a strong immune system.
Other Benefits- Some say the treatment can relieve migraines and headaches, improve skin conditions, increase energy levels, improve sleep quality, and relieve muscle and joint pain.